Our Connected System

Feed Mills

Farm Operations



Turning Waste into Renewable Energy

Our connected food system doesn’t stop when we send pork products to market. We aim to be good environmental stewards, and we are always working to reduce or repurpose our waste.

Converting Animal Fat to Biodiesel

Seaboard Energy supports the use of renewable energy alternatives from and for Seaboard Foods. Seaboard Energy produces biodiesel by using pork fat from our processing plant in Guymon, Oklahoma.

*2022 Seaboard Foods Sustainability Highlight Report

**These accomplishments are the result of the cooperative efforts of Seaboard Foods, its wholly-owned subsidiary Seaboard Energy, LLC, and Seaboard Energy’s respective subsidiaries and affiliates.

Harnessing the Benefits of Compressed Natural Gas

Seaboard Energy CNG also supports the energy needs of Seaboard Foods’ compressed natural gas (CNG) powered vehicles with a public filling station located near our Guymon processing facility.

CNG burns much cleaner than gasoline or petroleum diesel because it primarily consists of methane, the cleanest burning of all fossil fuels. Compared to petroleum diesel, CNG emits far fewer pollutants, including 25% less greenhouse gasses, 88% less NOx and 22% less particulate matter.